Ensemble Offspring’s performance of The Origin Cycle (Economy of Wax)
Posted on November 9, 2009
The Sydney Morning Herald, 21-22 November 2009, Peter McCallum
“ … Nicholas Vines’s Economy of Wax wriggled nervously … This was a beautifully conceived and executed project, extending one’s mind out of usual listening habits to apprehend music and art within the vastness of nature’s patterns. “
Time Out: Sydney, November 2009, Jason Catlett
“ … Vines’ piece … has a lattice structure analogous to the honeycomb’s hexagons, using an harmonic rhythm in the ratio of 6:1; and just as Darwin’s illustrated the principle of natural selection across dozens of plant and animal examples, Vines uses ‘a single melody over and over again in a whole variety of different ways’ … “